General Rules
- Do not use the site if you are under 13 (or 16 in Europe).
- Do not impersonate other members of the Touhou community, or upload replays that are not yours.
- Do not create multiple accounts.
- Do not try to pass off tool-assisted replays as having been played without the use of restricted tools. (For more information on which tools are allowed, see the Replay Rules.)
- Do not encourage illegal activity or provide information about piracy. (Note that using an emulator is not illegal.)
The rules above are not exhaustive; we may enforce bans or other punishment at our own discretion for any behavior we judge harmful to the Touhou community.
Replay Rules
For detailed rules on what is allowed for standard replays, see the Replay Rules.
- Be sure the replay information you specify is correct.
- If your replay links to a video, the video must be publicly accessible, and must show your run of the game.